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For more information about Hidden Wine events:
Contact: Craig Ungerman (860) 923-6987.
web site: http://www.hiddenwine.com
email: hiddenwine@earthlink.net

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Behind the Eyes of Sleeping

A Winter Writers Workskop with
Martín Prechtel


Feb. 20–27th, 2000
Ojo Caliente
New Mexico

  Behind the Eyes
of Sleeping Bears

As children in New Mexico, growing up on the reservation we were told that storytelling was to be done only in the winter when lightning, bears and snakes were sleeping. This way these powerful beings wouldn't be offended by hearing us talking about them behind their backs in our stories. This insured us that we wouldn't be bitten by snakes, mauled by bears or struck by lightning during the spring, summer and fall.

But this wasn't the only reason. When I finally became an adult it dawned on me that all those beings which slept in winter, all the juice downy roots of died back plants, that behind the eyes of snoring bears, torpid reptiles and in the conspicuous absence of birds and bugs and summer rains, that the lusciousness of spring and the flowering hope of summer were teeming and gathering into a critical mass inside the powerful dreams of all these beings. Those dreams of bears and roots were just waiting to burst and ooze into the long hoped for, tangible, smellable, visible state we call the warmer months. By telling our old and new stories in the winter, we human beings, like the sleeping bear, were adding to the magical telling of life's saga. With all the torpid animals and plants, we humans were also a part of nature's dream and part of the wintertime's remaking of the life-giving story dreamt into life by the invisible world.

To me if writing doesn't have anything to do with
storytelling it isn't writing. And if writing, like story-telling, is best done in the winter, maybe it can help to renew life. I wonder?
I invite you to hear my stories, to find your stories and approach the art of writing with me in the magical landscape of my upbringing.

Ojo Caliente

Centered in the most strikingly beautiful part of Northern New Mexico, Ojo Caliente hot springs was in use by the native peoples of the area for millenia, and first appeared on Spanish maps in the early 1600's. Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs was established in 1860 and is the oldest health spa in North America.

Renowned throughout the world for its healing properties, Ojo Caliente is the only place in the world where the remarkable combination of five different types of mineral waters come streaming to the surface at a rate of more than 100,000 gallons per day.

Ojo Caliente, translated from Spanish, means "hot eye"- referring to the hot eye of the spring..


Come join the winter writer's workshop, February 20-27th, with Martín Prechtel, author of Secrets of the Talking Jaguar and Long Life, Honey in the Heart where we will address such subjects as:

    Painting with words
    Rituals to help us become writers
    Writing as a gift to the Spiritual and the Unseen
    The literacy of Nature
    Writing from the Indigenous soul
    Rhythm and melody, the musicality of words
    Developing a language for our own stories
    Imagination versus Imaging
    Ancient ways of writing, ancient reasons for writing
    and many others

“Northern New Mexico is one of the most spiritually alive, mysterious and spectacularly beautiful places on Earth. Native Peoples since forever have occupied the forested canyons, all red, yellow, pink, purple, blue, maroon, white, banded and stained, full of caves, and cliff dwelling ruins.

Lodging and Food

We have reserved 25 cottages and 4 rooms at the Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort at greatly reduced rates. The cost for a cottage is $75/night plus tax for workshop participants. If you share a cottage with another participant, the cost is $37.50 plus tax per person per night. Fourteen of the cottages have 2 double beds, 11 have queen-size beds, all cottages have refrigerators and TV’s. Hotel rooms are available for individuals at $50/night plus tax. Cottage and hotel guests will receive unlimited access to the hot springs and private baths plus a daily wrap ( $20/day value).

Call 1-800-222-9162 to reserve your lodging. Make sure you tell them you are registered for the Hidden Wine workshop and if you wish to share a cottage with another participant when reserving your room. They accept all major credit cards. There is a very good restaurant at the hotel, and several others within walking distance. Participants are responsible for their own meals. More information is on the web at http://ojocalientespa.com

Workshop Site

For more information about Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort visit: http://www.ojocalientespa.com

For more information about Hidden Wine events:
Call 860-923-6987, or call .
E-mail: hiddenwine@earthlink.net
On the Web: http://www.hiddenwine.com/

For more information about Martín Prechtel's Year 2000 Schedule visit: http://floweringmountain.com

Workshop Cost:
DOES NOT include food and lodging.

Cost is $415.00
($395 if paid by check).
$100 deposit due with registration.
Refundable until
Feb. 1st, 2000 less $25

For registration form click here
see below...
For our out-of-town guests transportation will be available for a fee to transport you between Ojo Caliente and the Albuquerque airport.A conference van is available also for field trips during your stay.

Martin Prechtel

Martín Prechtel, author, artist and teacher, was raised in New Mexico on a Pueblo Indian reservation. In 1971 Nicolas Chiviliu, a Mayan shaman from Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala called Martín to become his student. Martín lived with Chiviliu for years and after his teacher's death, took his place, healing and shamanizing among 30,000 Tzutujil Mayans. After 1978 Martín became a chief and public leader, leading the young village men through their long initiations. Martín once again resides in his native New Mexico where he is a writer, speaker, musician and healer. He keeps his vision of life alive; a champion of eloquence, imagination and the indigenous soul.

Martín's first book "Secrets Of the Talking Jaguar" continues to be a success while "Long Life, Honey in the Heart," recently released, has already found a warm and steady welcome among his avid readers worldwide.

Martín is most extraordinary as a teacher because, with great beauty and articulation, he is able to stand with one foot in the world of Western spiritual traditions and the other foot — and his entire soul — within his own tradition.

Teaching internationally through writing, lecture and ceremony, Martín helps people in many lands reconnect with their own sense of place — their sense of the daily sacred. In addition, Martín is deeply committed to working with youth and supporting them through ceremony and initation as they struggle toward adulthood.

Praise for “Secrets of the Talking Jaguar” and "Long Life, Honey in the Heart"

"It's a precious thing, this book. I've never known another like it. It's a great encyclopedia of beauty... Like some poems of Neruda's, it is a treasure house of language, in service
to life." —
Robert Bly

"Prechtel...shows us how to infuse language with spirit and a sense of the sacred without sacrificing its sensuousness... how a trained bard of a traditionalist society might attack a writing project- with all 20 layers transparent and tingling!"
Steven Larson,
for Common Boundary

"The Mayan Gods, who hold eloquence above all else, must surely be pleased with this soul, who in this lifetime is named Martín Prechtel." —
Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
Ph.D., author of Women Who
Run With Wolves

"A lyrical, haunting memoir of one man's spiritual rebirth... "Long Life, Honey in the Heart" is a cry from the heart — a lonely yearning for an ancient, beautiful culture now gone forever." —
Iris Chang, author of
The Rape of Nanking

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Workshop Registration Please print and send in with your registration deposit



City:................................................... State:................ Zip:...............................

Home Phone:.................................. Work Phone:............................................


Register me for “Behind the Eyes of Sleeping Bears”, February 20-27th.

Workshop cost : DOES NOT include food and lodging.
Cost is $415.00 ($395 if paid by check).
$100 deposit due with registration.
Refundable until Feb. 1st, 2000 less $25

We accept Visa and MasterCard

__ Check __ Visa __ MC Expiration Date:.........................................................



Amount: $........................................

A confirmation letter will be mailed or e-mailed on receipt of your registration deposit.
Space is limited to 50 participants. Please register early.

For our out-of-town guests transportation will be available for a fee to transport you between Ojo Caliente and the Albuquerque airport. A conference van is available also for field trips during your stay.

Make your check payable and send to:

Hidden Wine
3330 Humboldt Avenue, South
Minneapolis, MN 55408

For more Information call Craig Ungerman at Hidden Wine:
Call 860-923-6987, or call
E-mail: hiddenwine@earthlink.net


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Contact Mark Stanley at 612-722-2076 or 612 801-7355, send e-mail to
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